Saturday, May 29, 2004

Take the "Which FARK Cliche Are You" quiz!
ScreamingMidget: Which Fark Cliche Are You?
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Today was actually interesting. Remember the friend from the previous post? she came by her at my apartment after my roomate left and saw me, wow what a reunion! After the hugs and hi's we talked a little, she was with two other friends and we all talked about the old times and such. Then we decided to drive around, I showed them the sights of town and talked a little more. then on her friends bet we decided to go up 'A' Mountain, it was cool, I was surprised her little pickup made it. Plus we caught the sunset, it was so cool and calm, it was just a breathtaking sight, I cannot begin to describe it, I really enjoyed it. Then we went down to Alumni Pond and walked around it while her friends tried to catch the ducks on the shore, it was a hillarious sight. We stopped and deicded to leave when a campus police cruser drove by us several times. I had a wonderfull time that I really didnt want her to leave..... oh well, turns out they were on their way to Tucson and this was a side stop. And she wanted to see a movie too. So hours later I bid them farewell and safe journey. It was so nice to see her again, she promised to keep in touch. On a side note my roomates parentals are coming to visit tonight, turns out his brother graduation was today so they could not come earlier, They are going to help my roomate get his motorcycle tomorrow, this is going to be interesting. Just as long as he pays his share of the rent, bills and groceries I will be content, although I think its a bit dangerous, especially if you know him, but I know he will be responsible. What else... work was ok, got a bit swamped and I started lagging, but I got through lunch. My burn started to shed the dead and singed skin, it stings now, I guess the cleaning chemicals I used at work didnt agree with it. Now I think it will leave a scar. Oh well.
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Talked to an old old friend of mine just a while ago. It all just transpired by accident during one of my late night insomnia induced web scrounging. We talked until 3 last night, just chatting away the night, it was so good to hear from her, she was one of the few people I wished I could have stayed in touch with over the years, she is in Albuquerque (big surprise) and that she has done a lot since our last meeting (two years ago). Things have changed a lot and, unfortunately, so has she. It was good to talk to a friend, especially since everyone is gone for the summer here in Cruces, I am actually feeling like meeting new people, Its a wierd feeling, especially since i am such an isolationist and shun public life. Went to dinner with some of my roomates friends, it was interesting. Anyho It was good to hear from her, and she said she was going to try to stay in touch with me. I am happy but I know from experience never to take the word of a person at face value. So thats that. Maybe I can get a chance to talk again tonight. Its only 12:44.
Monday, May 24, 2004
Umm on second thought, the idea of hoy grease cackling and popping does not leave me happy, due to my hand. Oh well i guess its a bowl of cereal for me, at least its not hot and I will not be able to burn myself. Possibly do my laundry too. I cant get burned that way too, can I?
Well today worked sucked. Well today sucked really bad in general and it started none other than this morning, I was supposed to wake up at 9 and get ready for work at 10, then wake up my roomate so he could get ready for class at 10:30, ended up getting up at 8:30 then went back to sleep and dreamed about something wierd, then woke up again AT 9:40, I rushed and woke up my roomate, then went to the restroom, washed my hair face then got ready, out the door at 9:55, made it to work at 10 but didnt clock in until 10:01. After that my morning was uneventful. That afternoon I was walking around in the lobby and there was a puddle of liquid that some kid spilled, no wet floor sign was around so I didnt see it and slipped, landed on my palm and knee funny, I bit my lower lip to keep from releasing a stream of curses and profanity amid the pain, got up, almost slipped and went to my station. Turns out my knee is red and swollen now. Then while I was cleaning I forgot to turn off some equipment and I was holding something when I put the back of my thumb on it, I winced but I could not do anything until a second later, by that time there was a nice red mark on my thumb with a blister forming on the center. It didnt hurt but stung and I didnt think it was too bad until it started burning and whenever i subjected it to heat it started stinging really bad, so I finally reported it, turns out to be a mild first degree burn, sprayed it and put Neosporin on it, went back to work trying not to nudge or bang it and my knee (which has me now limping around). So the day ends without any other injuries, my supervisor saying I should invest in some slipproof shoes. But the day is well know, afraid to leave my house for fear of having something else happen to me. Anyho, Nothing much else today except talk to a friend of mine. I am hungry now, shoulda grabbed a burger, Well im off to make some potatoes and ground beef. Probably do my laundry too tonight when it cools down outside.