
Thursday, May 11, 2006

The week has been progressively better, moved and right now am getting ready to go to work. Apart from being sick (had a cold, sore throat, headache and muscle aches Sunday and Monday) which laid me out Monday and almost did the same Tuesday. Everyone is going crazy with finals here on campus and graduation, best of luck to everyone! Had a quite a bit of drama Tuesday afternoon with a coworker, it seems to be ok though, thats a story for another day, private.

Anyho I am feeling better, just my nose is a little stuffy but it all clears up when I am walking around, the occasional headache still terrorizes me from time to time. I am afraid I may share my sickness with my coworkers, many whom have already beaten the flu, pneumonia and a myriad of other symptoms, oh well at least they will not have to be in the sun or 90+ weather this summer.

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