
Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Its cloudy and thick with a overcast today with light and heavy showers mingling throughout the afternoon, the feeling is dark and gloomy. I love it when it rains, the lack of light enables any night wanderer to mingle in daytime without being blinded by the daystar (Sun) and to experience things in a different light, so to speak, i find my days a lot more enjoyable when its cloudy. The only problem is when you are in southern New Mexico it tends to get muggy and hot after it rains, I am not too crazy about that, the rain I can stand but the after effects get to you. Another thing is when you are in the middle of a city, being a couple of miles from Texas and the Mexico border, the rain tends to come down and makes the air smell like wet dog or ammonia. Back home in northwest New Mexico you get this wonderful smell and such a nice atmosphere when the somewhat pure H2O mixes with NATURAL dirt and NATURALLY OCCURING foliage, this scent I have found to be extremely difficult to artificially produce and is only appreicated standing in the middle of a mountan cornfield miles away from the nearest house in a light lukewarm drizzle with your face upturned to the sky.... One of the many limitations about living in a big city. How do people do it?

Monday, October 06, 2003

In reference to the last post I also find myself more comfortable talking to adults, I dont talk to others because i find their current use of slang, music preference and just their personality just offensive and I find talking to adults are lenient and yet humorous. At work when I go to do a job I find myself engaged in a conversation with a scientist while their student aide just mingles by working. When the adult leaves I find no reason to talk to the aide (myself being a student assistant, which according to the Employment, is a higher status and garnish better wages and opportunities, second only to the Co-op) I work quietly while their aide does their own thing, when i am finished instead of telling the aide I go directly to the adult and tell him the work is finished, get a "good job" and head down to my office.

I have found something to be particularly of interest to me. Whenever I meet new people (of which is a rarity, since I am deathly shy) or have the extreme pleasure of meeting new people, after a while they tend to think of me as funny and easy to talk to. What strikes me as odd is the fact that I rarely say anything in a new group and try to remain inconspicuous as possible, is my form of timidity just amusing to people? or is it just something people say to each other these days. What also strikes me is the fact that girls who have the courage to ask me anything will find me amusing to be around with just because when they talk all I do is nod or acknowledge what they are saying. I make friends more when I sound less conspicuous and try not to make myself too obvious, I have seen this acted out several times long ago and I assume it was the open nature and flighty nature of these people that has helped me make friends. Although since I am in college and the small town theory and close together group is traded with crowded and impressionism facts where everyone is considered an enemy until you talk to them. Is it me or do people just dont seem open, in such a diverse setting I have found that white people tend to be more open, especially males, asking for a name or just to say hi. Native americans attitude toward strangers varies I think on the region on which they are located, eastern and plains tend to be more open, especially in an atmosphere where there are exclusively natives. Western natives on the other hand tend to be overly suspicious of each other. The Navajo tribe (to which I am affiliated with) tend to be even more suspicious and covert than others, I have found that natives living with other afflilations tend to be more open and willing to talk to someone. So far since I have started school I have made officially one friend, a white male from Los Lunas who, coincidentally, knew a Navajo and was apparently fluent in basic Navajo customs, another person I know was my old roomate from the summer sessions who knew my friends cousin, there is a native I have met alongside the Las Lunas Male who wanders from room to room in our dorm and occasionally pops in to watch me and my roomate play games or just to watch tv. I have yet to speak to another native face to face save for my roomates friends and their friends, who i occasionally "talk" to.

Sunday, October 05, 2003

The history of the middle finger salute

Saturday, 04 October , 2003, 09:55

We got this in an email, you know one of those chain emails you never know the origin of. And we thought we might as well share it with our readers. So here goes the history of one of mankind’s favourite expressions – showing the middle finger.
Apparently, just before the famous battle of Agincourt between the French and the English in 1415, the former, anticipating victory, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers. Without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore be incapable of fighting in the future.

Now, the weapon was made of wood from the English Yew tree, and the act of drawing the longbow was known as "plucking the yew" (or "pluck yew"). Much to the bewilderment of the French, the English won a major upset and began mocking the French by waving their middle fingers at the defeated French, saying, "See, we can still pluck yew!

Linguists feel that since 'pluck yew' is rather awkward to pronounce, the difficult consonant cluster at the beginning has gradually changed to a labiodental fricative 'F', and thus the words often used in conjunction with the one-finger-salute are mistakenly thought to have something to do with an intimate encounter.

Now, go brag!

What an restful weekend, although its only Sunday (early Sunday) its been restful. slept until 2:30 this afternoon is a real treat when you have to get up at 7:30 in the morning on weekdays for classes, then work. I have not done anything productive since Thursday and it doesnt bother me one bit. Right now I just got done talking to a friend, she works at a smoke shop in a casino and she has the opportunity of having the graveyard shift, it doesnt bother her none, her coworkers seem to be at their humorous when its dark, our conversation ranged in talk from work, classes, ghost stories, and even birthdays. Its fun to talk to someone else than the same old wankers from time to time, plus it keeps us entertained since its boring at work and my insomnia is prevalent.

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