Thursday, August 04, 2005
Watch reporter Bob Novak, who is currently embroiled in the Karl Rove-CIA leak controversy, lose his cool on live TV and storm off the stage during CNN's 'Inside Politics'.
Novak gets Owned!! (With Quicktime video goodness)
Owned mirror (With WMV goodness)
Another day another event for em to stress out about, payed my electric bill today, the highlight fo my day, plus it finally rained here, about an hour before that the wind was cool and it was really nice for once, then it rained and got all humid, but it didnt feel too bad and it didnt smell like wet fur after the rain. It smelled like cow.
Lets see work was ok, currently looking for a new job, getting tired of smelling like grease and the burns, hopefully something will come up, found a couple on campus. getting payed 6.00+ for checking bags on campus, and 6.00-9.00 for soddering, evern with no experience, I would like to try this, I am filling out the application now.
If WW 2 was an online game. I like Roosevelt: o yah hit the navajo button guys
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Ph33ar my l33t M5 p4int ski11z!!! (Im on a roll)

Reason why I like to stay up for total fark
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Wow its been a while. Let me see so much stuff to say, so I will just skip most of it. Still working at the same old place, but I am actively looking for a job elsewhere, actually looking to work in a deli, or the EB in the Mall.
Went home a couple of weeks ago, for two weeks, it was great, took one of those small planes from Westward Airways, its been so long since i got on a plane, the thing but buffeted around by the wind so much It was scary and fun at the same time. It was so good to be home, to see my mother and brothers and a new addition to our family Troy, he is so cute, small, but I could swear he was growing everytime I saw him. Got to hang out with my brothers and my cousin, one pastime we enjoyed was scaring the cows and horses that nibble on my grandmas trees with surplus bottle rockets, hand launched, interesting. Also got into wrestling again, my grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, and cousin are really into wrestling, they watch it whenever its on, and the special events on bootlegs, i have to say i got interested in it again.
Saw my grandparents too, and did some chores, one of the most strenuous was shearing the sheep, tto my grandpa(Popeye) my cousin, brother and I, what you do is wrope the coax them, and i am not talking about one of those small reservation sheep, its one of those Colorado mountain sheep, big suckers and with sharp hoofs, onto a table and we had to get a hold of him and lift up this big heavy sheep who is unwilling to cooperate, then try to ie it down and keep it down while taking off its wool (or fleece?) anyho it was only 8 but its been a long time since I tried this and after the 5th sheep they got smart and when we roped them they sat down, so we prod, push, kick and hit this ball of wool and stupidity, then out of the blue it gets up and bolts, taking popeye and my cousin with it at the end of the rope. Strenuous. But it was done. And I got sunburned on my back neck and arms, I am still peeling.
Went to see my other grandparents too in Navajo Pine, and my aunt, cousin, step sister and so many other people. I got to enjoy home cooking again and it was SOOO SOOO GOOD!!! I just hung out there, cleared out some of my old old toys, I had cars and planes, my brother had old Ghostbuster stuff, the cars, many guns and ghosts, even the old Jurassic Park cars, and the GI Joe vehicles, Ninja Turtles, I should have kept them all, took pictures and put them on eBay, I am really sure some of those toys are worth something, especially some sports cards I found. Also the 4th generation, my brother, step sister, two cousins and I went and got all our picture taken, something my grandfather wanted to do, so we went into Gallup, got it done, ate at Big Cheese Pizza (Where they make the greatest pizza in Town) then out of the blue we decide to go bowling, I was in last place, my 4 year old cousin's score was higher than mine and my granpa tied with my other cousin. And we all spent the night at Navajo, it was crowded; my aunt, step sister, and cousin in the living roo, and my other cousin, my brother and I in my small room. But i enjoyed myself.
So the last week I spent it with my mom, taking care of my brothers. One of the things is that at my other granparents place in St Michaels is that they have no sugar in the house, absolutely nothing, except for splenda, it was torture, tea, Kool aid, even orange juice and diet and no cal soda. It was not too bad but after a while I convinced my mom to take me and my brothers and cousin to the Conoco in Tse Bonito to get fountain drinks, aaahhh, sweet sweet cola and nourishing caffene. One thing i noticed was it was not as hot as it is in Las Cruces, the last week I was there we experienced triple digit heat for a week and a half, that was really exciting, every one was saying it was hot and everything, I said it was not. So when it was finally time to head back there was no one around (or willing) to do so. Ask my grand parents in Navajo, they say they might, ask at St Michaels, they cant, but the day before I go my grand mother in St Michales says she can, so change things around. We leave the next morning early, with popeye and my grandma, we get there around nine drop off my stuff, eat at Golden Corral, (Popeye's favorite place to eat), so we sit down and eat, my grandma remarks the food is better here and there is a bigger variety then Gallup, so we eat breakfast/lunch, the go to Wal Mart, because my grandma has to go to Wal Mart, I get some little things and my grandma gets clothes and other things, she remarks this store has better stuff than the Wal Marts in Gallup or Albuquerque, so i get dropped off and thats the end of my vacation.
And I immediately get homesick, missing my brothers and my mom and my Grandparents. And home cooked meals. Turns out my electricity was turned off and I had to wait until Monday to get it back on, after paying 150 bucks. But I get it settled out, saw some friends and get ice cream at Calichis.
I went to set some groceries with a friend and his wife at walmart at 9:30 in the evening and one thing I immediately notice is that there is a lot of Asian peoples, in the food section I counted about a dozen couples getting food, it was odd, I never seen so many asians in one place before, not even when I worked on campus. So pick up some food check out and head home, talk for a while about their experience when they went home. And I put my food away, and went to sleep.
Ouch my wrist hurts, I think I will end it here, I will think of some more filler tomorrow.