Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Monday, September 05, 2005
Nothing much to say, SSDD. The job hunt goes on though, im tired of burgers, want a new fresh start.
Anyho went out with some friends at the last minute to the theatre to watch Fantastic 4, it was an ok movie, the plot could have been worked on a lot more, I did find the digital effects entertaining, except there were times when all of it looked to fake, it was good until the last 20 minutes and there was a nice anti-climactic ending, but overall it was a good mindless acion movie, just dont think too much and the movie would be much more bearable. Anyho after that we went to Village Inn and talked about general crap over pie and coffee/tea, very entertaining, I usually dont find myself talking too much, I just like to watch other people talk, peeping in when I want to say something. After that we went to their apartment and watched some Futurama. Overall it was an enjoyable evening.
I had a discussion with a friend last night about Futurama, needless to say the direction it shifted was very interesting, it was the inspiration for me to make this little contribution:

Lets just say she was not too thrilled about it. Although I like it.=)
I was playing GW last night (or early this morning) and managed to see a lot of people milling about in Fort Ranik, they managed to get a lot of people synched to dance. In GW your character has the ability to dance, Necros do a Thriller-type shuffle while the Monks do a yoga type performance, while the Rangers break dance and the Mesmers do a celtic foot beat shuffle thing. I only managed to take one pic before all the classes managed to synch to see who could collect the most dancers. The monks won. But in our defence the Mesmers are a little difficult to master while people tend to like monks and rangers for some reason.

It was fun. Good way to burn the oil.
Anyho its almost 4AM and I have a head ache. Off to bed.