Saturday, July 10, 2004

Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Lets see, stressing over work, bills... yup nothing changed, its been a while but I assure you all things are the same.
4th of July came and went, went out with friends, watched the fireworks at the pond and just drove around, was going to go to a party with my roomate, but I ended up doing my laundry, I didnt have to work though. all night on the 3rd and 4th was bom and whistles and sirens, I thought this is probably what Baghdad sounds like. But the display the city put up was extraordinary, not great but I commend them for their effort.
This was the first 4th of July I spent away from home, and although I got homesick there was so much to do, I miss my family and I wanted to be with them, this holiday just came by so fast and I didnt have the foresight to get transportation or the days off to come home, like any other holiday. Oh well, I guess thats how it goes if you are a poor college student. hopefully I will get to spend some time back home before school starts, which is already around the corner.
Got some new people at work, a girl who is somewhat competant and a former employee who is slower than molasses. Its good to have people to boss around, I was supervising whats her name today, showing off how to take a person's order, how to take a drive through order, crap like that. it was comforting not to be the n00b anymore. Now I have people underneath me.