
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Its been slowly getting cold down here, which is nice, I am glad to feel some weather that feels like its November. I actually had to wear my jacket when I waited for the bus this morning, I hope it stayes like this.

I went on a training patrol today with my field supervisor, checking out a radio and all that, but I didnt get to practice my 10-codes. He showed us where to patrol, what to look out for, we practically walked the campus perimeter today, all in an hour. It was better than sitting in the ready room reading the regulations manual multiple times. I found out today that the Parking office is not particularly well recieved by the campus student body and faculty/staff, but these are the people that park in fire zones and handicapped lots because they were too lazy to find their own parking places.

My field supervisor is cool, he is the one that took me around campus removing boots from vehicles and telling me what to expect. I will be taking my pepper spray course sometime in December, and I may be out on the field as early as next week. I also signed up for a firearms training course, which I am sure is going to be very fun. W00t real guns!

I cant wait to go home for thanksgiving, cant wait at all. Hmm real home cooked food and all that. I miss my brothers, I want to see them all again, of course my family too. I am going to ask for Wednesday off, and I already have Thursday through Sunday off. I still dont know how I am going to get home, hopefully me mum can come down here and get me, or someone.

Food or game, food or game, some decisions should never have to be considered.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Um I missed the bus.

About my new job, it is primarily a foot patrol type job that will involve my patrolling several parking lots where there is a lot of vandalism or theft, it is the opinion that some official presence will discourage people from doing bad stuff. Its a completely new program under the Parking office and I, along with everyone else will be learning as we go. Already I like my coworkers.

I forgot how much fun it is playing CounterStrike, nothing is more satisfying than spraying lead into a tightly packed group of CT's with a machine gun. For that 3 hours I was spraying my enemies down with bullets and it was extremely gratifying, possibly too much.

In that note I found out CounterStrike Source was released with DoD a while back, I am glad since I thought I could only obtain it through Half Life 2, which is alright but not as fun as the original. But its now on my wishlist along with Battlefront 2 and Civilisation 4.

I miss playing Guild Wars....

Had my first work shift today, it was fun, the office is relaxed and the people are fun. Today I just read a lot of stuff, then oy future supervisor and I went for a drive removing car boots from vehicles, so far I like it, the only iffy thing is the pepper spray training and certification, in which I will have to be sprayed with it in order to carry it. I got part of my uniform, got a locker and for the next two weeks I will be in training.

The past week I let Derrick borrow Battle Royale, he loved it. Apart from the blood and stuff he liked it. The time he had it he told me the people who saw it and knew what it was asked him where he got it from, he would tell them it was not his and when Derrick inquired about it, I told him the truth, he would not find it here in the States unless its a bootleg. My copy was a Special Edition Tartan UK release. Which makes it even rarer.

Holy Crap!!! I want THIS!!!

Holy Crap!! Gotta catch the bus!

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