
Thursday, June 10, 2004

I really need to get back into the groove and start back up on my AMV's although I actually found myself busy I havent been interested in any of my vid's I am working on. I have had several brainstorms with some new music i have acquired, but I dont know how to do them. This is how it is: with my last two Anime MV's I have never put up, I will watch it and think this is pretty good, then I will watch vids i d/l'ed from AMV.org and I will find one that makes me say "THATS WHAT I WANTED TO DO" you know thats how I wanted to make it. Thats what happened ahen I viewed a BR anime combination vid and Hoshi no koe vid, I thought jeez these have elements that seem to have been given to another person, although I have commented on them (both are very good by the standards of today's editors and producers) they are pretty much flawless by my standards.

Today work was wierd, when I came in and clocked in everyone was welcoming me, people with whom I have worked with recently and taught me what to do in the past days, started saying Welcome to so and so, like that was the first time there. I guess I have been accepted into their family or something. They are becoming more and more interesting to be around. I have graveyard again this weekend 10 pm to 5:30 am Friday and Saturday night, the same hours i had before they changed the schedule, they did this week and sadly I dont have an extra day off, only Sunday, but its good, I can catch up with my sleep. Although we do more work than the lunch shift and it doesnt get as hectic, they do a lot of cleaning and crap, but its the people that make work interesting, my two coworkers for the weekend graveyard are very interesting and funny to be around. Plus I dont feel as much anxiety as i do with other shifts.

I heard about Ray Charles' death when I got back from work, jeez, two people in the same week. I remember him from the old Diet soda commericals, I remember him most from his performance in "The Blues Brothers". There seems to be a lot of people passing on. Especially Reagan, he was my first president, I remember him from the times I watched the news when I was young. There was so much I actually remember, the Berlin Wall coming down (I remember thinking to myself that all these events were going to change the world) the end of the Cold War and the downfall of the Soviet Republics, and notably the assassination attempt on him, I remember watching the news the day he got shot, then days later he made a newscast from his hospital bed. It was interesting how so many positive things, sans the assassination attempt, have happened when he was in office, before him there was the hostage crisis in Iran, after his years there was Desert Shield/Storm, then Somalia, Kosovo, and now Afganistan and Iraq and North Korea. I heard a comment on when the hostage crisis ended right when he got into office was because Iran didnt want to screw with the US during the Reagan Administration. I believe he was a measurement to what a president should be, a great communicator, to use your words to move the world. Mr Charles will be remembered, and hopefully Reagan will be remembered as a 10 dollar bill or as another face on Rushmore, either way he will be remembered for keeping this country together and stopping the Cold War.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Is this a Desert Eagle .50 I see before me?
The handle towards my hand
Come let me clutch
Art thou weapon but a fatal vision?
Proceedings from the heat oppressed brain
For markings of Replica which were not so before
Shall precipitate the shrinking of thine mincy f*ggot balls

-Bullet-tooth MacBeth

FARK.com: (985088) Combine a Shakespeare quote and a movie quote. Example: "Being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful gun in the world, had you the strength of twenty men it would dispatch you straight."

I love the stuff they come up in Fark

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Lets see, I have to start adding some decent content rather than filling this space with pics. Oh well not like anyone comes here anyways. Anyho weekend was interesting, although my roomate was out of town it was interesting, had some of my own friends over Saturday and Monday evening, monday we went back to the pond on campus and it was cool, around 7:00 as the sun was set we just saw this huge cloud or dust coming towards us, from our vantage point we could see this fog sweep over the valley and it soon overcame us, it was foggy as hell and everything got dark. It was cool. My roomate got back last night and with him came his sister and cousin. Went to orientation today for work, just the usual BS, try to be nice with the customer and be careful, be aware of your surroundings, crap like that. Try to work as a team, a lot of people was there not only from our store but from the other two stores as well. Then I caught a ride from work and how I am here. What else, oh yeah, its cool how talking to someone hundreds of miles away can actually make you feel better. We talked a lot and It was actually interesting, usually I frown on online conversations but this was interesting. Ww really had a lot in common, we were both in the technology support helpdesk type profession, it was cool talking to another about technology. We made fun of a lot of things, how the problems are just the customer and how its always fun to hear their problems with technology. Well thats pretty much it, overall my week and weekend was ok and can only improve from here.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Depression is Hell....
I need to get out of this black box....

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