Thursday, April 26, 2007
Jeez I keep posting at my myspace I keep neglecting this space here. Oh well. Nothing really happening. I slave in the hot sun here (ITS GETTING TO BE 80 OUT HERE!) choking on the dust. I guess thats what happens when I set up residence in a oasis in the freaking desert.
Still recovering from the ups and downs of life, so much. Anyho work work work is all I do nowadays, atleast I am getting a raise to do half the things I am asked to do in the field.
A friend of mine, I mean a friend since high school is heading to Kyrzigstan (I know I spelled it wrong) this weekend and a couple of friends are carpooling out there to see them off, we cant go into the terminal so we will say our goodbyes at the checkpoint. I am kinda reluctant to go, I am hesitant to say goodbye to others, I just dont like it. But I do want to see them off and say bye for a last time.
I saw an old friend of mine while I was on weed patrol with my coworker, it was nice to see her again, It made my day.
I need to learn how to paint without getting paint on myself. I mean im tired of explaining why my hands are blue or why my knees are green.
I dont know what else to say, so here is a "Lemur"
Needless to say, caffene was the cause of it.

Oh and my email is Edward Adam Sam Henry Union Robert Lincoln Edward Young AT Its all in Alpha numeric so webbots wouldnt spam it. Take the uppercase letters in each and there it is.
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