Wednesday, May 03, 2006
I got to drive the Chief's car, well not actually drive it, I did get to back it up, the cool thing was he gave me the keys and told me to move it in case the fire engine wanted out, I moved it and there was a nice M-4 Carbine in the passenger seat. Oh yeah I guess someone started a fire in the hedgerow near the business complex and damaged some power lines, so when they went to the pine vault to shut it down turns out a nice group of africanized bees made their home in there so the fire department came in and smoked them out, they closed down the east horseshoe to do it, I was stuck on perimeter containment and such. After they chased the bees away and everything was ok, all traffic was open and everything was well. But I got to drive the Chief's car though. Thats the coolest.
I went through the pics with one of the parking aides and boy it was something, they all were surprised as to how they did and what they went through. The one I had to help with their breathing and had to stay with was shocked to see that she got a nice saturating spray, all along the forehead and across the mouth/nose. I told them they all did well though and that there was no shame in crying or the pain because thats what its supposed to do, otherwise they would not be getting it at all.
One of our supervisors wants to go through Tazer training with the PD sometime soon, and the wierd thing is that several aides want to go through with it, hell I would like to go though with it, just to see how it feels. Its all pain for like 2 or 5 seconds and thats it, a little soreness but no more pain, just depends on time, if you want a 2 second or "ride the lightning" full tilt. I remember a cop who liked to call his taser "Sparky" and how "Sparky" liked to make people 'happy' and share his happiness and play nicely with others. I like the cops here, they are freaking awesome. Like the ex-Ranger who tells us of his adventures in Panama, Grenada and Puerto Rico with the Bees, swamp blisters that leave your feet with holes all the way to the meat, and the ever interesting Spider Monkeys that can scare the crap out of a chalk of Rangers or Paratroopers.
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