Monday, October 31, 2005
W00t!!!! I got a job! The security position is mine, Im so happy, today seems to be my lucky day. I got that call this morning, I did my usual routine at the University and when I went to the store across the street I purchased a coke and two lottery scratchers. I won 20 bucks and another ticket. I had a good lunch at a mexican restaurant and it was good, I have yet to redeem my free ticket I will probably when I go to catch the bus.
I went to the homecoming game Saturday, man it was a good game, we got into two overtimes and Idaho won by ONE POINT! 38-37. I thought that would be the time we break the stump we have been in, but I enjoyed myself. I met up with some other natives (a bunch of navajos and one zuni) and people from Gallup, we spent the time shouting and yelling, it was a little cold but it was alright. But damn, we almost had it! Almost! Oh well at least the team was actually trying to play this time.
Sunday I spent watching 'ahnold' schwartzinegaggrgfsdgkjgks whatever his name is, with a friend. Commando, Last Action Hero, T1, T2 and True Lies, some of these movies I have not watched in a while, it was good and we got pizza from a little place across from the university, great pizza for a low price at Great American on University. Anyho we got actioned out, but it was a great way to waste a Sunday.
Oh yeah its Halloween, bah im too old for it but a friend is having a get together which I will probably go to. I dont get into holidays anymore, probably because I am so far away from my family, the only holliday I get into is Christmas and everyone comes home and tries to bear one another without an argument. I miss spending the 4th of July with them, last couple of times i could not make it out there because I was working and such, but hopefully this will change with my new job.
I started playing some of my old PC games I had lying around, I started MechCommander 2 and Rebellion, Diablo 2 and the original MechCommander didnt work, im thinking of playing Age of Empires 2. Now with FEAR and BattleFront 2 coming out I need to find new funds to acquire these. Forget the console, unless I can find more games for my borrowed N64, they are too expensive and awkward to play now for me.
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