Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Lets see, I have to start adding some decent content rather than filling this space with pics. Oh well not like anyone comes here anyways. Anyho weekend was interesting, although my roomate was out of town it was interesting, had some of my own friends over Saturday and Monday evening, monday we went back to the pond on campus and it was cool, around 7:00 as the sun was set we just saw this huge cloud or dust coming towards us, from our vantage point we could see this fog sweep over the valley and it soon overcame us, it was foggy as hell and everything got dark. It was cool. My roomate got back last night and with him came his sister and cousin. Went to orientation today for work, just the usual BS, try to be nice with the customer and be careful, be aware of your surroundings, crap like that. Try to work as a team, a lot of people was there not only from our store but from the other two stores as well. Then I caught a ride from work and how I am here. What else, oh yeah, its cool how talking to someone hundreds of miles away can actually make you feel better. We talked a lot and It was actually interesting, usually I frown on online conversations but this was interesting. Ww really had a lot in common, we were both in the technology support helpdesk type profession, it was cool talking to another about technology. We made fun of a lot of things, how the problems are just the customer and how its always fun to hear their problems with technology. Well thats pretty much it, overall my week and weekend was ok and can only improve from here.
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