Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Ok the Spygames CD didnt work, but luckily i found some thing better. While searching for a replacement I heard a very familiar string music complemented by electronica, I asked and to my amazement it was Bond and i learn bond has a new album out, so I traded it in and paid the difference, but this was worth it, especally their variation of Pachelbel's Canon in D.
Nothing much else to say, got paid today, most of it went to Qwest and our electric, our air conditioning finally got fixed so its not hot as hell anymore. I saw Fahrenheit 9/11 today, nothing really spellbinding, except the crap the attention whore Michael Moore is trying to cram down the publics throats, most of it was lies or based on recently disconcerend information, if anything its just another FICTIONAL film in the world of Michael Moore, which is 51% crap and 49% fact, not to say he is right.
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