Friday, June 18, 2004
I had written out a large amount a few minutes ago but Blogger or IE was kind enough to give me a 500 error and as a result of farkness I ended up losing all of it including my thoughts on Lords 3 (honestly i did). I hate Internet Exploiter, I also use Firefox, but I have a lot invested in IE so most of the time I have to resort to it.
Longhorn SDK has come a long way since MS came out with the earlier screen shots, right now it looks like XP but with some tools remenescent of Windows NT 4.0, rehashed tools and dev sources from other MS apps, and basically looks like a hacked XP GUI with a awful color scheme. There is also some farily useless tools along with a more cluttered UI.
Overall with everybody I can say that this is nothing more than XP with a boob job and a scheme to pinch every penny from people who are foolish enough to have the latest window. But then again this is still a work in progress and a lot of effort is being put into this project, there is bound to be more fixes and tools that are useful. A First Look at Longhorn [May. 18, 2004]
Gritstone & Chips
Personally I will stick with XP Pro and Knoppix.
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