
Monday, May 17, 2004

Well its another hot day. Fine time to go run errands, I have to go back to campus and declare my major finally, I have given it some thought and I decided on going for a major in Business Computer Systems. So now its official. Also I have applied to Lockheed for a Desktop Support Technician position at White Sands Missle Range, I hope I get it. Ah summer, no worries but bills. Also I have confirmed I will b heading home on June 5th, my roomates brother is having his graduation reception and hopefully I can catch a ride back and see my family, also possibly go to the reception. I am not quite sure when my mom and brothers will be down, there is a 50/50 chance the may be down this weekend, I am very excited but I dont know if they will be able to do so. I called yesterday and they told me they went up the mountains to plant corn. Damn I would have wanted to go, get out of the city and just be where its quiet. Also to see the old family homestead, its been a while since I have been down there, I remember going up there every summer and planting, then even further back when we went down there for christmas, I miss those days. Well anyways off to run errands I go.

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