Friday, May 14, 2004
I am sure everyone has heard of the video of Nick Berg recently in Iraq, this has sent shockwaves and sorrow through the west AND the east. Through my own intel sources I recieved a copy of the alleged beheading and a warning of the extreme graphic content of the content. After several minutes I decided to watch it... the content was awful and extremely nerve shaking, I stopped it midway, too sick to see anymore, think of it as a butchering of sheep, with a human voice screaming and writhing in pain. As with other viewers who have expressed their sorrow for viewing it, I am telling anyone who views this video the content is EXTREMELY GRAPHIC, no one should be allowed to view or even possess over grounds of moral responsibility not only to the victim, but to the familiy members and friends who have had the sadness to loose a loved one.
Although its a clear case of in-humane abomination of one being against another. Several things regarding the video has striken me to be odd, through the video there are several dissimilarities in it.
1. During which the speaker during the first minutes of the video, his lip actions underneath the mask and the spoken audio do not match. This could be remedied by the fact that he is wearing a mask and that the video is of very poor quality.
2. By the time the leader of the group stops talking to where he starts with his act, there is a 11 hour gap between the sequences as indicated by the timestamp on the video version I have recieved. What happened during these 11 hours? Mr Berg goes from sitting on the floor one second to laying on his side.
3. During the scene which he is being cut the blood does not seem to splatter, even when the assailant performs the action the blood merely driips from the ever increasing wound. Surely a major blood artery or something of the sorts would have been severed and blood would have been performing what it usually does.
(Note: I stopped this several seconds into it and I was not able to view the rest of it. But has been confirmed by the source I recieved the video from and several others who had the misfortune of viewing this video.)
Also this has been widely dispersed by the media, but he has had several run-ins not only with the Iraqi Constabulary but U.S. Military Police and Reguar Army Units. Also he has been investigated by the FBI. What exactly was he doing in Iraq that led to his investigation and recent arrests?
With these new questions that only lead to more questions not only to the people, but also to the intell agencies of the US. Although this was a tragedy and viewed in the eyes of Americans and Arabs as an abomination, is there other facts that are not being disclosed?
Only time will tell and as facts continue to trickle down the grapevine I cannot say as to if any of this remains true or if this information play any relevant role in this incident.
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