Sunday, May 09, 2004
Damn DSL router. Piece of crap keeps flaking out on me. This is the 2nd time this week the thing crapped out on me. Although I am actually learning a thing or two about the fussiness of the line, I dont think its supposed to give me a gallstone everytime the line hiccups. Is it supposed to do this? Several factors that may contribute may be to the condition of the lines found in our apartment, the manuf of my DSL router/hub, and me willingness to influience the thing physically, whether it be thrown across the room or lightly stomped on. But either way this thing is still going. And tonite is the first time i did not call Quest for help, although the ONLY time I call is to check if there is a problem with the fibre from Albuquerque, the local hardware or lines, or worse, I could be cut off! I dont know why getting cut off is such a big deal, i guess i have gotten soft from the days of 28 kbps dial up (shudder) or the painfully shoddy network our old high school used to have, NMSU was not so bad, except that their constant closing of ports had me trying to find open ports for WinMX. But right now its back so I have no quarrel with Qwest or me router, if/when it works, im happy.
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